[:web | side]

Webside is both the specification of a restfull API to interact with a Smalltalk system, and a web IDE built on top of such API.

the API

The API is designed focusing on common Smalltalk concepts, while avoiding specific nuances of a given Smalltalk target. This enables the creation of a set of tools that, based on this API, can be used accross different Smalltalk dialects.

the IDE

Provided the API is implemented according to the specification, this fully operational IDE can be used on the Smalltalk at hand, offering traditional Smalltalk IDE tools such as browsers, workspaces, inspectors, debugger, plus a great flexibility to be extended with features specific to the target dialect.


API implementation for Pharo 12.


API implementation for Dolphin 7 (work in progress).


API implementation for Egg.

[:web | side]

Webside is available online and as a desktop app.

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